Can communal editing
become a form of participatory
arts experience?
2. Gill, Rebecca. (2020) All day long the ten fingers of the lustre drop green upon the marble. The feathers of parakeets–their harsh cries–sharp [Still images taken from 3D digital models and simulations]

'...I wanted to use the images and a list of references to create a kind of miniature library of context for the images, or just things that I've encountered recently and maybe share a space with this project...' - Rebecca Gill
1. Barad, Karen. 'On Touching - The Inhuman That Therefore I Am.' (2013).
2. Strathern, Marilyn. ‘Opening Up Relations’ from A World of Many Worlds (2018).
3. Khan, Nora N. 'Towards A Poetics of Artificial Superintelligence'(2015). Available here [Accessed: 2020]
4. Cult Relief of Mithras Slaying The Bull (ca. A.D. 168) [Tauroctony] Yale Art Gallery. Available here [Accessed: 2020]
5. 'Decay exists as an extant form of life' [Digital Image (2019).Retrieved from here [Accessed: 2020]
6. Alang, Navneet. 'The Terror of the Archive', Hazlitt Magazine (2015). Available here [Accessed: 2020]
7. Oliver, Mary. 'Sleeping in the Forest' from Twelve Moons (1979)